

At Middle Barton we follow a mastery approach. This is based around the five key ideas of representation and structure, mathematical thinking, coherence, variation, and fluency.  

We want children to have a strong understanding of maths skills and knowledge and be able to apply them in real-life situations.

Our intention is that any gaps in children’s learning will be quickly identified and addressed.

Maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.

Our aim is that children will have the core skills to enable them to move through the key stages. We want the children leaving Middle Barton School at the end of year 6 to be able to access the KS3 curriculum.


Mathematical topics are taught in blocks following the White Rose curriculum. 

Lessons are planned and taught in a series of small steps which progress from prior learning to allow new concepts to be fully mastered. 

Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time.

Feedback is delivered verbally in lessons allowing misconceptions to be addressed swiftly and pupils to progress. 

From year 1-6, lessons are structured using prior learning, revists and new learning. 

Prior learning: to check that children have embedded knowledge from the previous learning, often from a previous year.

Revisits: recapping knowledge and skills, and addressing misconceptions from recent lessons within the current block.

New learning: introducing new concepts, skills and knowledge.


Live feedback informs future planning

End of unit assessments

Live feedback in lesson

PUMA assessments are used from years 1-6 at various points throughout the year

Targeted questioning throughout lessons

Prior learning questions are completed at the beginning of every lesson to assess learning from previous years- this is recorded in their books in Year 2-6 and verbal in Y1.


Useful Information

Please click to access or download the useful documents below:

DFE Maths National Curriculum

National curriculum progression

Curriculum Information

Overview Reception

Overview Year 1

Overview Year 2

Overview Year 3

Overview Year 4

Overview Year 5

Overview Year 6