Welcome from our Chairs of Governors
On behalf of the Governing Body, may we welcome you to information about our school governors that you may find useful. Our aim and the focus of all our work is to ensure each child receives a good education through effective teaching and the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Presently Middle Barton Primary School has governors who have been voted for by the parents of the school or recruited from the community because of skills they are able to offer to the Governing Body. We also have staff governors.
Chairs of Governors
Rachel Houghton
Patrick Hunter
School Governors
The village school is a vital part of the local community and the Governing Body plays an important role in ensuring the school continues to build on the success that the Headteacher and her staff have worked so hard to achieve.
The formal role of the Governing Body is to play an important part in the strategic leadership of the school, working with the Headteacher, and to hold the Head to account. In this section you will find a number of pages with more information about the membership and work of the Governing Body.
If you have Comments, Concerns or Compliments (CCC) you would like to pass on to the school and the Governing Body, please do pass on your feedback. If you have any matters you wish to raise with the Chair of Governors, please post a letter (addressed to the Chair of Governors) to the school office or email or marking it for the attention of the Chair of Governors. Thank you.
What is the Core Function of the Governing Body?
The Governing Body is the strategic leader of the school. The main focus of our work is to promote high standards of educational achievement in our school. We aim to build a co-operative, productive and supportive relationship with the head teacher- to ensure that every child gets the best possible education according to their own specific needs. We want the children to achieve their potential through a rich and varied curriculum that develops them as confident, hardworking and creative pupils. We ensure that the school is accountable to the children and parents and to the local community for the quality of the education provided, as well as caring for the professional development of all the staff who work in the school.
We focus upon three core functions:
Firstly, to ensure the school has a clear vision of what it wants to achieve for the children and where the curriculum is appropriate and relevant to all the children’s different needs. We work with the head teacher to ensure that a clear message about the ethos of the work of the school is shared with all who work and learn there, together with its parents and carers and that it is an ethos that is positive, hardworking, caring and inclusive. Most importantly we set the strategic direction in all actions of the school.
Secondly, to hold the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and all the pupils. This also includes the performance management of the staff.
Thirdly, to oversee the financial performance of the school to make sure its money is spent wisely and well.
Governor Membership list and register of interestsGovernor Attendance
Rachel Houghton, Joint Chair of Governors
My name is Rachel Houghton and I am Joint Chair of Governors. I have experience of primary education both as a parent and in my career as a publisher and learning specialist. I have worked for many years in educational publishing, including over a decade in primary. I have worked with many primary teachers and pupils while developing reading, literacy and intervention resources.
Patrick Hunter, Joint Chair of Governors
My name is Patrick Hunter and I am a Parent Governor and joint Chair of Governors. I have been a Police Officer for over 10 years and have previously worked in the music industry. My Governor link role is Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and I feel strongly about supporting this in Middle Barton School.
Linda Cowmeadow, Clerk to the Governors
My name is Linda Cowmeadow and I am the Clerk to the Local Governing Body at Middle Barton Primary School. I provide clerking services for several schools across the River Learning Trust.
Alison Umney, Community Governor
My name is Alison Umney and I am a community Governor. During my career as a primary school teacher in Oxfordshire, I worked as a Key Stage One coordinator, SENDco and Senior leader and have always been interested in working to improve the educational experiences of young children. As a governor, I welcome the opportunity to support the continued growth and success of Middle Barton Primary school.
Ali Mawer, Community Governor
My name is Ali Mawer and I am a Community Governor and safeguarding and attendance Governor.
Steve Bryan, Parent Governor
My name is Steve Bryan and I am a Co-opted Governor, responsible for Health & Safety. My child attends Middle Barton School. I have many years’ experience in Schools Estate Management and Health & Safety and I hope to be able to share this in my role as a governor.
Claire Hague, Parent Governor
My name is Claire Hague and I am a Parent Governor. Both my children have attended Middle Barton School and my niece also attends the school, so we are a family that are closely connected to MBPS. I have been a primary school teacher for 16 years and have taught in Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Scotland and Oxfordshire.
Adam Hinchliff, Parent Governor
My name is Adam Hinchliff and I am a Parent Governor. I have two children at Middle Barton School. I am a project manager working for a biotech company in Oxford. I am the link governor for data.
Emma Merry, Staff Governor
My name is Emma Merry and I am a Staff governor.
Scarlett Sylvester, Staff Governor
My name is Scarlett Sylvester and I am a Staff governor.
Bex White, Parent Governor
My name is Bex White and I am a Parent Governor. I have one child at Middle Barton School. I am an environmental consultant working on responsible sourcing of high-risk deforestation commodities. Environmental sustainability is very important to me in my home and working life, so, I am excited to be supporting the fantastic staff at Middle Barton School as the link governor on outdoor learning and sustainability.
Kim Griffin, Headteacher
My name is Kim Griffin and I am the Headteacher at Middle Barton School.