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We intend to provide a creative climate in which children experience and learn from a broad range of artists and crafters, local, national and international as well as across history and differing genres. We want children to express their creativity through a critically chosen media whilst acquiring the knowledge and skills to produce quality arts and crafts. Children will  understand the importance of Art in shaping people’s opinions and use the vocabulary to reflect on their work and enable them to make more informed choices in their futures.


Lessons follow a focus on key artists and art types, including sculpture and performance art. Children build on skills previously learned and the curriculum has a focus on building their understanding of the process. Children are encouraged to make meaningful decisions  in their art with their choice of mediums, colour palettes, placements and the like, as well as develop their own personal opinions on others artworks.


Children are able to make informed choices in their own artworks as well as discuss the work of others using correct terminology. They will have experienced using various different mediums as well as creating art for different purposes. Children will understand art can be created for different purposes and be better equipped to find the meanings in art.

Subject Documents Date  
3 Is Art 02nd Dec 2024 Download
PRIMARY national curriculum Art and design 02nd Dec 2024 Download
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